Henderson Collegiate Teachers’ Promises:
We promise to prepare all of our students with the skills they need to succeed now, in high school, in college, and in life. Therefore…
- We will arrive at Henderson Collegiate everyday by 7:20am and remain at school until 5:00pm.
- We will do whatever it takes to ensure that the Pride develops the knowledge, skills and character necessary to succeed in the colleges of their choice and to pursue a life of joy and purpose.
- We will constantly work to become better teachers.
- We will always protect the safety, interests, and rights of all the students in the school.
- We will always show care to students, families, and staff to make sure they feel valued and respected.
If we keep these promises, we know our students will be prepared for extraordinary lives. If we do not keep these promises, we know we can be removed from Henderson Collegiate.
Principal’s Signature: __________________________________________
Teachers’ Signatures: __________________________________________
Henderson Collegiate Parent/Guardians’ Promises:
We promise to support our child’s education at Henderson Collegiate. Therefore…
- We will make sure our child arrives at Henderson Collegiate everyday by 7:40am and stays for the entire academic school day.
- We will make sure our child attends Henderson Collegiate Summer Session.
- We will do whatever it takes for our child to learn. We will check our child’s homework folder, let him/her call the teacher if he/she has trouble with completing his/her homework, and create time for him/her to read every night.
- We will always make ourselves available to provide support for our children. This means that we will notify the office by 7:40am if our child is going to be tardy or miss school, read all the papers that the school sends home to us, and attend school events and parent meetings.
- We understand all prizes at Henderson Collegiate are earned by working hard and being excellent teammates.
- We understand all consequences at Henderson Collegiate are earned. When our child makes a poor choice, we will support the school’s consequences.
- We will allow our child to earn and participate in all field trips and activities that he or she earns.
- We will make sure our child follows the Henderson Collegiate dress code and wears a tucked in Henderson Collegiate uniform shirt, a belt, and completely black sneakers every day.
- We understand that our child must follow the Henderson Collegiate rules so as to protect the safety, interests, and rights of all individuals in the school.
If we keep these promises, we know we will see our child earn a college degree and a successful life. If we do not keep these promises, we know our child will lose prizes, receive punishments and can be removed from Henderson Collegiate.
Parent/Guardians’ Signatures: __________________________________________
Henderson Collegiate Student’s Promises:
I promise to always work hard, behave well, and think at Henderson Collegiate. I promise to work towards college and a successful life in the following ways:
- I will arrive at Henderson Collegiate everyday by 7:40am or board the bus at the correct time.
- I will remain at Henderson Collegiate until 4:15pm (Monday – Thursday) and 12:30pm on Friday.
- I will attend the Henderson Collegiate Summer Session.
- I will work hard so I get smarter. This means I will complete all of my homework and classwork.
- I will solve problems with my mind or get help when I have a problem.
- I will follow my teachers’ directions to keep myself and others safe.
- I will tell the truth, take responsibility for my actions and apologize if I make a mistake.
- I will show care for my teammates, teachers and school materials.
- I will always be nice to my Pride and show everyone respect by listening to them.
- I will dress professionally by following the Henderson Collegiate dress code.
If I keep my promises, I know I will earn a college degree, a successful life, and the power to make the world a better place. If I do not keep these promises, I know I will lose prizes and it will be harder for me to reach my goals.
Student’s Signature: __________________________________________