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The mission of Henderson Collegiate athletics is to instill within our student-athletes the character traits necessary to attend and graduate from the college of their choice and change the world. In conjunction with academic studies, athletics serve as a way to build humility, consistency, teamwork, and perseverance. While each of these characteristics are necessary on the athletic playing field, they are more necessary in the classroom, as Henderson Collegiate believes that academic achievement comes before any athletic outcome.

Athletic Program Offerings

Middle School (Grades 6-8):

Fall Winter Spring
Boys Soccer Boys Basketball Girls Soccer
Boys & Girls Cross Country Girls Basketball Boys & Girls Track & Field
Girls Volleyball

High School (Grades 9-12):

Fall Winter Spring
Boys Soccer Cheerleading Girls Soccer
Boys & Girls Cross Country Girls Basketball Boys & Girls Track & Field
Girls Volleyball Boys Basketball

Athletic Department Contact Information


Athletic Director:

Middle School Coaching Staff (Grades 6-8):

Boys Soccer:
Franklin Gomez
E: fgomez@hendersoncollegiate.org
Boys Basketball:
Cornelius Nile
Boys & Girls Cross Country:
Lamont Whitaker
E: lwhitaker@hendersoncollegiate.org
Girls Basketball:
Maria Allen
E: mallen@hendersoncollegiate.org
Girls Soccer:
Katie Price
Boys & Girls Track and Field:
Stacey Mitchell

High School Coaching Staff (Grades 9-12):

Boys Soccer:
Alexis Garcia
E: agarcia@hendersoncollegiate.org
Kianna Daye
E: kdaye@hendersoncollegiate.org
Boys & Girls Cross Country:
Lamont Whitaker
E: lwhitaker@hendersoncollegiate.org
Girls Basketball:
Stacey Mitchell
E: smitchell@hendersoncollegiate.org
Girls Volleyball
Lauren Dennis
E: ldennis@hendersoncollegiate.org
Boys Basketball:
Lamont Whitaker
E: lwhitaker@hendersoncollegiate.org
Boys & Girls Track & Field:
Girls Soccer:
Elijah Silfies
E: esilfies@hendersoncollegiate.org



Medical Information


All student athletes must create an account and register on www.dragonflymax.com.

For instructions on how to register and complete this process click here.

All student athletes must complete the NCHSAA Pre-Participation Evaluation (PPE) Form, which includes the History Form, the Physical Examination Form, and the Medical Eligibility Form. All student athletes must receive a physical examination once every 395 days by a physician (MD/DO), nurse practitioner, or physician assistant to be eligible to play.

  1. Download and print PPE form here: https://www.nchsaa.org/sites/default/files/attachments/2023-24PPEForm_English.pdf , or pick-up a physical copy in the MS or HS front office.
  2. History Form (Pages 1-2) is completed and signed by the parent or legal guardian on behalf of the student-athlete. The completed and signed PPE History Form must then be presented to the Licensed Medical Professional (LMP) for review when they fill out the Physical Examination Form.
  3. The completed Physical Examination Form (Page 3) is signed and dated by the LMP who performed the examination.
  4. The Medical Eligibility Form (Pages 4), which is also signed and dated by the LMP indicates the student athlete is either medically eligible or not medically eligible for sports participation.
  5. The Gfeller-Waller NCHSAA Student-Athlete & Parent/Legal Custodian Concussion Information Sheet https://www.nchsaa.org/sites/default/files/attachments/GW_SAPLG_ConcussionInform-Feb2021_0.pdf is read and the Concussion Statement Form is completed and signed by the student athlete and parent/legal custodian.
  6. The NCHSAA Eligibility, Consent to Participate, and Release Form https://www.nchsaa.org/sites/default/files/attachments/23-24EligtoParticipate-English.pdf is completed and signed by the student athlete and parent/legal custodian.
  7. All completed documentation is then submitted to the school nurse’s office.

Documentation must be submitted prior to the current season’s tryouts if the physical is expired.


Parent Information


Student Athlete Academic Eligibility


Students must meet the following GPA requirements from the previous quarter in order to be eligible to play.

Grade GPA Requirement
6th 3.0
7th – 12th 2.5

Student-athletes must be in school by 8:30AM in order to participate in practice or contests during the same day or evening. If a student-athlete were to arrive after that time they would require documentation that depicts late arrival.

Students absent from athletic practice for five or more days due to illness or injury must receive a medical release by a Licensed Medical Professional before being readmitted for practice or contests. This documentation must be submitted to the athletic director prior to return to participation.

Bench Protocol:
Found in Henderson Collegiate Middle and High School Athletic Handbool (PDF)


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